What is a CCI number?
What is a CCI number?
Beginning June 1st, 2018, all RFP submissions must have a CCI number. A CCI number (CJIS Certificate of Integration) is issued to companies whose body cameras and In-Car video systems have been screened by us to be free of Malware and Viruses and Integrate seamlessly to CJIS Compliant Evidence Management Software.
How does a CCI number benefit you?
If you are a Buyer
As a Buyer or Distributor, you'll receive the following Benefits:
- Free Evidence Management Software
- Body Cameras are Virus Free
- Free 24 hours English Tech Support
- Integrates with CJIS Compliant WEMS
- Ready for Cloud & On-Premises Storage
- 100% Secure when paired with WEMS
- Body Camera Suppliers are vetted by us
If you are a Manufacturer
As a Vendor or Manufacturer, You will receive the following benefits:
- Free Bodycam support for your customers
- Free Software Support for your customers
- Free CCI Numbers for your body cameras
- Increase sales & grow your business
- Strengthen your brand
- International Recognition
- Free listings on our site
Why is a CCI number important?
The security and protection of Government own networks are of utmost importance in today’s world and Law Enforcement Agencies around the globe place their trust in WOLFCOM’s CJIS Verified Solutions. 99% of the worlds Body Cameras and In-Car camera systems are produced in China and carry risks of software contamination that may put many Police agencies networks and servers at risk.
A network security breach by hackers using virus-laden body cameras is preventable if the manufacturer and their body cameras are properly screened.
A body camera with a CCI Number ensures it has been fully screened and integrates completely with CJIS Compliant Evidence Management Software.